Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking Module 02: Foot printing and Reconnaissance Module 03: Scanning Networks Module 04: Enumeration Module 05: Vulnerability Analysis Module 06: System Hacking Module 07: Malware Threats Module 08: Sniffing Module 09: Social Engineering Module 10: Denial-of-Service Module 11: Session Hijacking Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots Module 13: Hacking Web Servers Module 14: Hacking Web Applications Module 15: SQL Injection Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms Module 18: IoT (Internet of Things) Hacking Module 19: Cloud Computing Module 20: Cryptography Who is it targeted for: Information Security Analyst/Administrator Information Assurance (IA) Security Officer Information Security Manager/Specialist Information Systems Security Engineer/Manager Information Security Professionals/Officers Information Security/IT Auditors Risk/Threat/Vulnerability Analyst System Administrators Network Administrators and Engineers Time: 40 hours 5 days a week 8 hours/day Online or in-person: Online with live instructor